Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome to the Freedom At Risk Blog

I started this blog because of all the disturbing laws and policies I have been seeing coming down the line recently, which in turn has caused many of my posts in my other blog, Privacy Tips, to veer far off topic. This is my effort to correct that problem and provide me with a venue in which to address the concerns I have over something I am VERY passionate about. I hope that this may become a place of intelligent conversation between people of all political parties, race, religion or differing viewpoints. Please feel free to comment on any post, you will not be blocked or censored for simply disagreeing with me, freedom of speech is obviously very dear to me. However I do reserve the right to block or edit any comments that are strictly abusive with no bearing or value to the discussion, but only after very careful consideration.

Take an active roll in protecting your God given rights as they were laid out in the Constitution of The United States of America by our founding fathers. Don't let well meaning but misguided and politicians and judges erode the foundation of liberty and freedom that is OUR Constitution! Remember, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Stay up to date on current news and events that will effect your freedoms today and those of your children and grandchildren. Take action when you see your rights in danger, contact those who have been elected and remind them that they work for YOU. We can take back our country peacefully but it will be a long hard fight, you must be willing to stand up for what you believe. Shout your demands from the mountain tops and don't stop shouting until the aristocrats who have entrenched themselves in our nation's capitol hear you. Then after they hear you KEEP SHOUTING until they remember that the government is in place to serve the PEOPLE, not the other way around.

For some time our liberties have been slowly stripped from us in the name of protecting us from some foreign boogie man or from ourselves. Unfortunately in the last decade the government has stepped up it's efforts to 'protect the people' resulting in even greater loss of liberty. I feel that we are at a point where we must ACT NOW or there will be no turning back. We must take back our country now while we are still allowed to make a peaceful stand, while we can still say anything we want to about our government and our politicians. If we continue down the road we are on, free speech WILL be gone, for our own good of course. The government wouldn't want anyone stirring up the populace, someone might get hurt. If you want to see what the USA could look like in the future just take a look at Great Britain, they have already lost so many freedoms, and I can see us traveling the same treacherous road. If you want to see where we finally end up just take a look at China or the former Soviet Union. How would you like to see tanks called in to crush your peaceful protest. It has been twenty years since the Tiananmen Square protest and the Chinese population is still not allowed to talk about it or read about it, even on the Internet.

If you don't think this could happen in the good ol' USA feel free to go stand in line, get your loaf of bread, and report back to the factory/field/coal mine in the morning. And remember, for your safety, Big Brother is watching.