Sunday, August 9, 2009

California to Limit Amount of Ammo You Can Privately Transfer

California Assembly Bill 962 will limit the amount of handgun ammunition that can be privately transferred to 50 rounds per month, even between family members. So if you want to give your wife a couple of boxes of ammo to go with her new 9mm your outa luck. The bill would require retailers to fingerprint anyone purchasing ammunition, and keep the prints in their records for inspection by the Department of Justice! Assembly Bill 962 would also make mail order of ammunition to residents of California illegal, so if you live in a small town like me you better gas up the truck and head to the city if your local dealer runs out, which seems to be an all to common occurance these days. Please contact you Assembly Memebr and tell them that you do not support this bill. Check out the NRA website for more.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Use Cash for Clunkers Website and Your Computer Belongs to the Government

The Cash for Clunkers program may seem enticing but as the old saying goes, "here is no free lunch". If you try to log in to the Cash for Clunkers website you have to agree to the privacy policy, which of course no-one ever reads... After agreeing to the privacy policy a warning box pops up telling you that your computer will become property of the government and anything stored on your computer can be retrieved and shared, even with foreign entities.

Check out the video below to see how the government is tricking people into letting them irrevocable access EVERYTHING on their personal computers.

Whitehouse Wants You to Report Anyone Who Speaks Out Against Healthcare Reform

It's true. The government is requesting assistance from the public in quashing dissension from those evil right wing extremists (ie, anyone who disagrees)! Seriously. Check out this excerpt from the Whitehouse blog:

There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to
And just in case public response forces the removal of the statement from the Whitehouse blog here is a screenshot for posterity.

Scary isn't it? Check out this link at RedState regarding the legality of this. White House Actions Might Be Unlawful

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

hr 2749 Another Bill to Put an End to Backyard and Organic Gardening

Yet another bill, H.R. 2749: Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, has been just passed the house that may unfairly penalize. This bill will grant new powers to the FDA including the warrentless searches! Two other bills, H.R. 875 and S 425 were already introduced in February of 2009 and have been drawing the ire of backyard gardeners, small family farms and bloggers since. Perhaps that explains why someone felt it was necessary to introduce .R. 2749: Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 in June and ram it through the House in July. It is not too late to fight this bill. Contact your senators NOW and demand that they read this bill and protect your rights to grow your own food. This bill as well as the other is supposed to make food safer but instead just adds more beaurocracy and infringes on your rights. Even if you don't grow your own food or visit farmer's markets this bill could have a huge impact on your grocery bill. These bills are poorly worded and ill conceived. Please don't sit by while our government continues to trash our liberties. Stand up and let yourself be heard!